The last few days have been a bit chilly. Temperatures dropped below zero and kept falling. This morning is colder than we have seen since last winter.

Friday morning was -22° and the truck would not start. These temps are hard on diesels. We plugged in the block/oil pan/battery heater to warm it up and let it sit all day but still it wouldn’t start. The batteries got low, which can be the end of even a new battery when it’s this cold. So Chris brought the battery inside to sit by the heater. It spent almost 24 hours warming up. Then yesterday afternoon he put the battery back in and the truck started up. What a relief! We were down to the last bit of generator fuel and the heating oil was getting low.
Typically we use 1 gallon of gas for 8 hours of runtime on the generator. We even have a schedule we keep. 8am, 4pm, midnight keeps it running. Plugging in the truck goes through more fuel. It has to be filled every 5 hours instead. Good thing we picked up a couple extra gas cans.
Indoors is colder than most people would like. I’m finding it hard to leave my nest of blankets this morning, and even the dog has come to appreciate his sweater. (It’s a blanket you can wear!) But the Toyo keeps it 70° warmer than outside. Using the oven to make dinner helps. We would use the propane heater as a booster, but the blower went out just in time for this cold snap. I’ll have to find a replacement soon.

We shrink wrapped the windows yesterday and that helped a lot with the draft. Lots of hot beverages and soup helps too. Honestly, a cabin would be easier to keep comfortable, but we’ve mostly got this figured out. We’re ahead of last year by a longshot. All systems are working so far. The only thing to do is improve.
Reading about your winters helps me keep mine in perspective. Hopefully next summer will allow you to make real progress on the cabin!
I will accept no excuses next summer. I don’t know how, but I will be in my cabin next winter. Enough of this RV nonsense! Though it has been functional…
Oh my Bonnie, indoor temperature was still very cold. I’m glad you both survived Covid. How are you doing back at work? Roof on the outhouse? You are so strong and brave. We got down to 34 with a frost. Have a happy Thanksgiving 🦃.
I am back to working full time, though I asked for half days the first week or so. My employers up here are awesome people. I still haven’t gotten that roof up. Maybe when it next gets above 0°. Right now I gravitate to my blankets every time I get home. My indoor temperature has been awfully close to your outdoor temps while still being 60 to 70 degrees warmer than outside. It’s all about perspective! Happy Thanksgiving to you too.