Not dead yet

It’s been a long couple of weeks. I have lost track of the days. Today might be Monday or it might not. All I know is that I seem to not have a fever for the first day in a week. I bounced between 99 and 102.something for so long it started to feel normal. The coughing fits are less frequent and more productive. I can breathe without losing control.

Yeah, covid sucks. My son had a coworker exposed by a family member and the virus did what viruses will do. I figured okay, what will be will be. I will probably come out stronger for it.

So I’m not dead yet. I’m on the mend. In another day or so I’ll get into town for a shower. (That is the worst part of dry cabin living while sick.) Maybe I’ll get some appetite back and be able to eat something.

Until then I’ll have another day curled up with the snuggle dog foot warmer. I’ll snooze through more Netflix and YouTube videos. My brain isn’t ready to be super active yet and that’s okay.

I still haven’t gotten the roof over the outhouse. And if you want to complain about cold seats, just imagine it when feverish. Brrr!

4 thoughts on “Not dead yet”

  1. Well thank God you are getting better. I was wondering and worrying. How is your son doing?

    1. Chris had it harder and recovered faster. Our one worry for him was a childhood history of asthma, but it turned out OK. Now he’s eagerly waiting for the all clear to go back to work.

    1. Thanks! Are you planning to explore? Let me know plans as they develop. I’d love to meet up with you.

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