Why Caosville?

I love puns. We used to play with words in the most horrible ways when I was a kid. The worst we came up with was “possumbly.”… One day someone said, “Oh, no there’s a dead possum in the road. Do you think maybe he came from the swamp?” I replied, “Possumbly.” Everyone died laughing. Funny thing, though. Nobody seems to appreciate my puns as much now. We lost something growing up.

Anyway, I married into the name Cao. The proper Spanish pronunciation is “cow” but my kids prefer “K.O.” I can’t imagine why… Now if you have a family named Smith you would refer to them as the Smiths. The English convention is to add an ‘s’ to make it a plural. So with Cao we become the Caos. In Spanish that means exactly what it looks like: chaos. It fits. My husband had ADD in the best of ways and our boys continue the tradition. When they were little I kept threatening to rent them out as demolition experts.

Now it isn’t so bad, but life is chaotic. I try to keep a handle on it but things keep slipping through the cracks. The poultry refuses to be contained, the fridge is a constant terrifying science project, and the blackberry vines laugh at the goats, who can’t get out of their pasture, but escape any other enclosure I try to put them in so that they have a chance at consuming the brambles. Before we moved here I knew that I would call this place Caosville because it fit in every way. And I like it that way.

Sunday at Caosville

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Finally it is Sunday, my day to just be at home and not running around like a crazy person. Of course, that means it is also the day I do the most work around here. Usually the hardest part of that is rounding up the teens to do their share.

Last Sunday was a gorgeous, sunny day and much was accomplished. The lawn got mowed, then dragged with a blanket harrow to break up the weeds to make room for the seed I had Little Miss throw on the ground. As a reward for all her help she got to drive the mower a bit and then we finished the day by making a coop for her chicks to move into from the brooder box.

This Sunday is gray and rainy and so far I have done almost nothing. We had a road trip to Bend yesterday and the driving and not enough sleep really caught up with me. So today will be focused on indoor stuff. The house needs a good cleaning and I have four boxes of apples that have a grand destiny ahead of them. Applesauce is coming! How better to spend a gray fall day than with a house filled with the scent of apple and cinnamon and a chicken roasting in the oven. Yeah, it’s that kind of day.