I love to get comments from people. I love knowing that you read what I wrote and that you want to respond. I love hearing your thoughts on whatever the subject was. I don’t love bots.
Every few days I check to see if anyone has commented and I find something stupid. Like a person with a weird name asking how to buy cbd gummies in someplace I’ve never been. Or advertising a smoke and vape shop that is questionable. Or a comment that starts out complementary but quickly turns into a bad English pitch for something I would never look at. I have to mark these things as spam and delete them.
I tried turning off comments, but it only killed the ones on my new post. I don’t like that. Finally I turned to the school of the search engine and figured out how to set comments as closed on older posts. Now you have 30 days from the publish date to comment. I hope this helps stem the flow of spam. And maybe I will not have comments that I hate anymore.

And now for my pitch:
Do you like the things you have found in my blog? Is there anything you didn’t like so much? Is there something you want more of? Here’s what you can do: tell a friend and tell me.
I would love to grow my audience. I want to share my adventures with others to inspire them to find a way to live that lets them become more themselves. The more people read and comment,the more it feels like I’m doing something worthwhile.
So for the next 30 days that comments are supposed to be open, can anyone who reads this tell me two things? First, who you are going to share it with (and why you think they’ll like it) and Second, what you want me to write more about. Or maybe you’d like a video? I kinda want to learn how to do videos if you want to see them.
I’m kind of excited to see what you guys think.