The above is a screenshot from this morning. I have already said how much I distrust my weather app. I don’t think it was really that cold, but it was not far off at the time. The Toyo was struggling to keep the interior temperature above 40° so we turned on the propane heater to boost it. The dog refused to get out from under the blankets.
As crazy as this morning’s temp might be, just take a look at the forecast for the next few days. We are supposed to climb into the 40s and maybe melt off some of the snow that fell last weekend.
Oh, oops. I didn’t write about last weekend’s snowstorm. It was ridiculous! On Thursday morning the roads were clear and dry, the sun was shining, and then the clouds rolled in. Thursday night started snowing. And snowing. And more snow. I had to sweep 4″ off the outhouse seat at 4am, and another 2″ every time I went out all day Friday and Saturday. I think we got a total of 18″ overall, almost doubling the total for the season in just two days.

Sunday I got to work, but the van got stuck in the parking lot at the shop. I didn’t go anywhere that day. I did chain up for the first time in my life just to move the van 20 feet. That felt like a win!
The week got progressively better. I ended up driving a rented 4wd van to make sure I could get people where they had to be. It was a little rough, but worked out okay. Now that the week is done everyone is breathing a sigh of relief because that means the season is over. Today, April 10, the last guests checked out and Basecamp is closed for the summer. Now the only people up here are employees. We were given the opportunity to spend a night in the igloos and I decided to take them up on the offer.

Tonight I plan to relax. I’m going to have a nice dinner. I’ll get to use the sauna and maybe even see the aurora. Will I be able to get photos of it? Probably not with my phone camera, but my brain camera is ready to max out it’s memory. Tomorrow I will start working on my plans for summer. The seasons are changing and I want to take full advantage of the good weather when it gets here.