Midweek Bug Squisher

Do not wait for confidence in order to take action. Confidence comes from action taken.

Holy crap, what a truth.

It’s no secret to my friends that I’m a podcast junkie. My tastes have evolved over the years, but they’ve always tended toward inspiration. Lately I have been following ones that discuss financial freedom and the side hustle. The newest title on my list is Don’t Keep Your Day Job. She talks with people who find ways to thrive financially doing work that they’re passionate about. It’s about not following the beaten path, but finding ways around the gatekeepers.

Last night on my way home I listened to the Jan 2 episode with Jasmine Star. I might have to listen to it a second time because she spoke so fast and with such passion that I’m pretty sure I missed a lot. I sure didn’t miss that one. I had to write it down. It is something I already know. It is something that I encourage my own children to practice because I live this idea.

I like to learn new physical skills. I have learned concrete and drywall and paint. I have tried operating an excavator. I love driving my 40′ transit buses at work. I have tackled knitting, crochet and tatting. I have a king size quilt that I hand pieced and am hand quilting. Most of my FB or IG posts about my quilt were “I don’t know what I’m doing, but let me dive in and figure it out.”

I had such a mental barrier about website and blog. I knew I wanted to do this for years. I just didn’t find the right entry point, the right foothold. I think now I have. I’m not a camping expert and have never considered myself an outdoorsy person. In my mind those people own hiking boots and backpacks, showshoes, skis, and mountain bikes. I do have a lifetime of experience though. A few trips every summer add up. So talking about something that I love makes perfect sense. And the more I talk about it the more comfortable it gets.

This blog is a personal journey. The camping list is a vehicle to move me closer to where I want to be. I share because it forces me to change, move, and grow. Sharing is uncomfortable, but I am growing into it. For anybody who is bothering to read, thank you.

Here’s the URL for the podcast I listened to in case you want to check it out:
