So….it’s been a while…

I think every journal I have ever kept has that sentence at some point. I got started and then froze. I overcomplicated things in my own head. I forgot the most important thing…. NOBODY IS GOING TO READ THIS! At least for now anyway… I might have to start every post with that for the next while just so I remember.

I feel compelled to sum up the last four years. In a single word, SHIFT. Everything has shifted. I am in a very different place now. My responsibilities have changed. My goals have changed. I have let go of a lot of plans that weren’t working out. There are still some that could go that I’m not ready to drop, and time will tell whether they go or not. The boys are finding their way into being functional adults. My bus driving job is starting to do more harm to my body and soul than the salary is worth. I have done a lot of thinking over the last few years and kept writing the same thing over and over again in multiple notebooks: I want to travel. I want to live with the seasons. I want to simplify my life so that I have more control over how I live. I have started to realize that my life is about to be more wide open than it has been since I graduated high school and I have created an escape plan to take advantage of it.

I want to use this blog to share my journey. Yes, I say journey because that is definitely how I see it. The last few years the journey has been in my head. I have been searching out and absorbing input that fuels my inspiration. I have been refining the idea of what I want for my life. I know how much reading about other people’s journeys through life has helped me, so I want to share my own. I have a lot to fight through. Health, finances, distance, and the ever present blackberry war are all on my mind. I plan to discuss them all at some point, and I’m sure more will come up as I go.

Here’s my commitment to myself and anyone who ends up reading this blog: I aim to post 6 days a week. Let me write that with more impact: I WILL POST 6 DAYS A WEEK!!!! Starting today. That means I have to get up when I wake up, not lay in bed and play candy crush. I will treat this like my never-ending NANOWRIMO. That’s how it starts. May I never have to write that opening title again.