Category Archives: Stories

Welcome to Caosville!

Hello Internet! After ages of telling myself I was going to jump in, here I am. Caosville is a place, a theme and a state of mind. Here we know that whether you are going to make an omlette or hatch a chick that eggshell is going to have to get broken. And that’s okay! My life rarely goes according to plan and I am always having to adjust what I wanted to do to fit what I am able to get done, and that is okay too. It has to be because otherwise, who could stay sane? I could tell you everything there is to know about me and my world in one post, but that would make for a very long and boring read. Instead, why don’t I just introduce things a bit at a time.

Here’s the short version: Bus Driver, Quilter, Mom, Voracious Reader, Farmer, Lover of Delicious Food, some more dedicated than others, and not necessarily in that order. I get stories from every facet of my life and I think it would be fun to share. I hope you enjoy!