Saturday I made it to work and survived. That was enough. Sunday I slept late and dragged myself through the necessary actions. It was enough. I’m sure we all have times like this. I’m a little disappointed that I broke my streak, but I’m not going to get all angsty over it. It just points out that I need to work out a plan to be able to have days like that and still do the big things that I want to make happen.
Yesterday wasn’t a total loss. I did spend a couple of hours hanging out with my oldest son. We talked about plans, accomplishments, and books. He’s been bitten by the Audible bug. Now we get to discuss books that we’ve both “read” and tell each other which others need to go on our respective lists. We both have been listening our way through a lot of books by Larry Correia. I let him know that Son of the Black Sword had a second book. House of Assassins was pretty good, but the story still has a long way to go before it’s done. He is working his way through the Otherland series by Tad Williams. I read the first one when he was a baby and handed him the dead tree version when he was a HS freshman. Now that he’s got his own VR setup he has a whole new perspective on the storyline. He says he wants to shout it from the rooftops how awesome the story is and that I need to start it so we can discuss. I told him to read the Troy Rising trilogy by John Ringo and Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin. Ringo isn’t for everyone, but I know that he will enjoy the worldbuilding in the trilogy. And I’m sure this won’t be the last time we cause each other’s wish list to grow.

I also made multi-berry pie so that there would be more room in the freezer. Have you ever done that? I found five different bags of assorted berries and threw them into a pot to make pie filling. It was delicious on waffles for breakfast and in a crust for an after-dinner treat. I should do this a couple more times. I’m sure there are peaches that need to be used as well.

Then there were the egg bites. Costco has them for half the price of the coffee shop that shall not be named. But I want to make my own flavor for even less. I’m sure I could make two dozen for less than $10. I just have to work out a few bugs. Oven baking is not going to work. Neither is Feta cheese, no matter how much I like the flavor. I need to work on how they are going to release from the pan, too. Maybe I need a sous vide unit…I know there’s at least one person in the house that wouldn’t complain. I just want something I can take to work for lunch that is low carb, high protein, and not boring. Boiled eggs don’t always agree with me and being a lifelong vegetarian means that I have fewer options for protein, especially if I’m trying to reduce the soy and highly processed stuff. Why does good eating have to be so hard?

This week could be interesting in the way of the proverbial curse, so I’m not sure how things will go on the blog. The weather men are threatening us with the white slippery junk. Laugh if you must, but snow in Portland Oregon is a special kind of evil. Currently it is 37F and lightly raining. If the temperature drops tomorrow the way they say it will all of that rain will become a sheet of ice that snow can fall on top of. I have to drive in that stuff. I get paid for about 8 hours of that, but my normal hour-long commute includes some steep hills through higher elevations. I can feel my blood pressure creeping up at the thought of it. I’ll leave plenty of extra time to get to work and have a well stocked go-bag in case I get stuck, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. The city and Multnomah County in general seem pretty clueless about road maintenance in a snow event. The one thing they know how to do is put down the deicer, but with all the rain we’ve been getting in the past week it would all be washed off the streets. My greatest hope is that it will fizzle. That the temps never get below 35F and it all just stays rain. I’d be happy with that.
Tomorrow I will work on the next category of the Camping List. If I remember correctly it will be clothing. You only need a single small bag, really. You don’t have to be like my friend who showed up for an overnight campout with three suitcases…one for her hair and makeup, one for her clothes, and one just for her shoes… She still gets flustered when we tease her about the current bush for her curling iron.