Cost/benefit analysis is not just for economics.

It’s currently 4:15am and -11°. This is relevant because I woke up an hour ago when it was only -9° and spent the time debating if I had to pee bad enough to go to the outhouse. This is normal. I’ll debate if I’d rather go now and have to go again at 6am or if I can hold off and make fewer trips. I usually just go out, stretch, and drink water when I come back in to perpetuate the cycle.

So cost/benefit analysis? Absolutely! Here’s another example where some idea from school can actually apply to real life for the common (wo)man. Do I have to go out bad enough to be worth putting on my boots and coat? If it’s above zero that gets easier because I can manage without the coat. If it hasn’t been snowing I might get away with wearing my slippers. Usually there is enough benefit to make me leave my cozy warm blankets.

The dog does the same calculations, though I doubt he’s aware of it. Some mornings he decides he doesn’t have to leave the bed. He’ll get grumpy if we insist. Other days he’ll want to run around and explore everything. This morning was all business. Get up, get out there, get back inside and sit in front of the heater. That’s how I know the cold is real. He got really close to the heater until I finished with my water and got back in bed.

Thanks for reading my 4am meanderings. I hope they have amused you. Now I’m going to bury myself in blankets and hope the frost stays on the walls as the temp goes down.