We are getting a good sample of Alaska cold this week. Last night was -31°F and the night before was -23°. Our heat is not working. I keep reminding myself that I signed up for adventure and that’s what I’m getting.

Since the sawmill kept breaking we were unable to get lumber cut and cabin built before the snow. So we are going to spend the winter in the RV across the creek on my friends property. RVs are not set up for temperatures like this. The propane tanks are located in a cubby on the outside, which allows the hoses to freeze up. So we got enough gas flow to run the pilot light on the stove, but not the burner for the heater. Then the generator went on strike because it was cold.
Last night Chris and I slept with no heat except for shared body heat under the blankets. The dog tucked himself in at our feet. The top blanket had a layer of frost on it by morning. It worked, but it was really hard to get out of bed.
I’m giving Chris the assignment of finding a way to get things thawed out by this evening. We’ll see how it goes.