There has been very little progress on anything. It has been raining. It was dry until the evening the excavator got back on my driveway. Then it poured for several days straight. It still hasn’t been completely dry for a single day since. Even so, the slopes along the sides got smoothed back and ditches were put in. That made a better path for the water to drain away. We walked it on Thursday and it hasn’t washed out this time. Yay! That feels like a bit of traction, even if I can’t drive a 2wd up there while it’s wet.

While he had the excavator there he dragged out three logs that will become foundation beams and a ridge beam. We would have gotten them milled except for the lack of the proper chain for the chainsaw. It was out of stock up here. So I bought a plane ticket to Portland. The person with a passport is going to load up some things from Oregon and drive them up. He’ll see about getting what he needs to cut logs while he’s down there.

So I wait. I’ve been doing some part time work helping a house cleaner. I interviewed for a job as a shuttle driver for a luxury destination with views of the northern lights. I’ll probably take that for winter. My truck and things and dog should arrive later this week. My son should be here in a week as well. Then maybe we can kick all of this into gear. I can’t wait to get my cabin built.

I did get one thing accomplished this week. I installed my mailbox. I might not have a house but I have a house number. I visited the post office and was told to put it in by the main road on the left of the grouping. So there it is. Ready for mail. Mail helps establish residency so I can get my license switched over. I find that slightly ironic that I can establish a residence without a house. I have an appointment to take all the knowledge tests next week. Hopefully I’ll have my Alaska class B by the end of the week.
Hi Bonnie
Amazing that you ate actually up there in Alaska. Always wanted to at least visit. Melinda and I every once in awhile talk about your adventure.
Since you have a mailbox now😊 maybe we can send you some mail. Need your address though. We’re friends on Facebook so you can send it through messenger or here. Whatever you fill comfortable with.
That could be fun. I’ll message you.