I’m tired but not sleeping right. I’m a bit cranky. I’m in a holding pattern with a bunch of stuff that needs to be done and no energy or focus to get it done. My brain is stuck in the nebulous future and the present is slipping by.

Last year I bought a property in Alaska. It’s 23 acres on a hill about 25 miles south of Fairbanks. I have some friends up there who are excited to have me as an almost-neighbor. My place is about 15 miles away from theirs so I guess that counts as being neighbors.
When I was considering the purchase I put together a 5 year plan for it. I want this property to be an active asset. I would like it to bring income for me. So year 1 was buy the land and build a driveway to access it. That was accomplished by September 2019. Yay! Year 2 is build a cabin to live in and a cabin to rent. This is where I am. The season for building up there is now so I have a plane ticket to be up there in a week. I’m excited and freaked out!
I have a project here that I’m stalled out on. I have a load of old concrete to dump and two loads of trash to haul out. I don’t know how much I can leave for my boys to be responsible for. And I kinda want to pack my bedroom up before I leave so someone can use it…Or not? There’s so much up in the air still. Plus I’m still the transportation for my mom and her doctors appointments. It’s a lot.
It’s time to make a list. And a schedule. Organizing helps. I’ve been through this kind of mental overload before. Usually it’s because I’m doing new things and the uncertainty gets to me. I’m sure that in a couple of weeks I’ll be fine.
As part of a stress reduction plan I’m slowly abandoning major social media. I might be babbling into the void here with no one listening, but I hope that as I move forward with this adventure I can tell a story interesting enough to be worth following. I just don’t want to have to pay for the attention. If you resonate with anything I write, please respond or share it.
I’m so excited for you and your adventure!